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Changes and Preparations

As we prepare to welcome back our Members & Guests, what can you expect?

Reading the following guidance before coming to see us will be a great help.

Well, firstly. We ask everyone who enters the Club to Sanitise their hands located within the Foyer Entrance. Other Stations are also located around the Club.

In the first instance, entry will be permitted for Members Only. Apologies to Guests, but we need to monitor and evaluate before opening our doors to the wider community. The review on this decision will be monitored on a weekly basis. For now, it will be Members Only!

Our Members are strongly encouraged to top-up their Membership Account. This will make the process completley contactless and much quicker at the bar. Cash at the Bar will be discouraged.

Anyone wishing to pay over the telephone, have their account topped up and ready are welcome to do so. Danielle will be available to do this for you, she's kindly offered her number 07857 465948.

Bar Staff will be limited to one per bar. So, you'll need to be patient. Please use all available bars, this will also reduce the need to stand at a particular bar. Number of people allowed at each bar will vary, please see floor markings for guidance. If there is no space at the Bar, please remain seated until a space becomes available.

Small Bar in the Concert Room, this will be a Limited Bar. A full list of Draught beers will be displayed. Only go to this Bar if your particular drink is available here.

You'll be responsible for bringing back your empty glass. Place your glass in the basket provided at the end of each bar. This then reduces staff having further contact. Please remember to turn your glass upside down, ready to go in the glasswasher!

Safety of our Staff is paramount. They've all completed COVID-19 online training and all will have access to Safety Glasses, Gloves and Masks.

At present they'll only be one Snooker table in use. They'll be no loan snooker cues, you must have your own. Access to TV Remote controls will not be permitted.

Entertainment has been suspended until further notice.

All draws frozen before we closed will be called on Sunday (if were allowed to open). Draws after this will be taken as a 70/30 split under we can establish how busy we're going to be.

Your co-operation during these difficult times is appreciated. Sadly, for some the measures we've put in place will never be good enough. With sincere respect, if you're unhappy or uncomfortable with how we're managing the situation please stay at home. Non of this is ideal, we're just trying to make the best of what we can.

Entry into the Washroom facilities will be limited. Please try to be aware of social distancing and respect other people's space.

Our aim is to have this information relayed to you from either Staff or Committee at the Entrance for the first week. Please listen to the instructions and information their providing before entering the Club. They'll be Zero Tolerance on anyone who is abusive or rude.

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Batley Irish Democratic League Club
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West Yorkshire
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